Logo Indicación Geográfica Protegida

A Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) is a quality mark that identifies a food product originating from a specific place, region or country. This product has a certain quality, reputation or other characteristic that can essentially be attributed to its geographical origin. Furthermore, at least one of its production, transformation or processing phases is carried out in the defined geographical area.

PGIs are one of the quality regimes in the European Union that guarantee the protection of quality food products. These products are legally protected throughout the European Union.

Reglamento CE №510/2006

EC Regulation No. 510/2006 regulates the different regimes of the European Union and, in its article 12, defines the characteristics that products that want to have this protection must have:

b) ‘geographical indication’: the name of a region, a specific place or, in exceptional cases, a country, used to designate an agricultural product or a food product

  • originating from said region, from said specific place or from said country,
  • that has a specific quality, reputation or other characteristic that can be attributed to said geographical origin, and
  • whose production, transformation and elaboration take place in the delimited geographical area;

Examples of Protected Geographical Indication of Mallorca

The Protected Geographical Indication products of Mallorca, according to the list of the Balearic Government would be:

  • Sobrasada from Mallorca
  • Ensaimada from Mallorca
  • Almond from Mallorca

IGP products at Sa Madona de Ca’n Xinet store

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