The month of September, as you know, is a month where I like to learn new things and if there is one thing that has always caught my attention but I have not been brave enough, it has been xeremia.

This instrument is so familiar to us but so little used by women, that’s why this month we dedicate it to all “Xeremières” women from all over Mallorca! Congratulations ladies!

Na Maria Adrover can tell you about our inauguration where she came to play the xeremia to liven up the party, but we hope that our collaborations don’t end there!

Na Maria, born in Campos 22 years ago, is dedicated to the artistic world, both in theater and music. Currently, she is studying for a university degree in Dramatic Art, which she combines with working as a teacher at different music schools, where she teaches the branch of traditional music and the instrument of the xeremias, and also the classical branch in the specialty of the transverse flute. You will also have seen it in the Som d’arrels advertising spot, of the “Melicotó” brand, where with traditional instruments such as the flabiol and the drum , they make a call to support the local product.

Xeremiera in action

His great passion is the world of xeremies. Since she was little, at the age of 6, she started with the flabiol and the drum, and at the age of 8 she went out to play in her first Sant Antoni, over the years his desire increased with everything that was related to the world of traditional music and dance, and about 5 years ago he decided to start with the xeremies, where he was very lucky to find with the great references of this xeremier world, and learn from them. So far she has participated as a chef in different popular festivals in Mallorca , and some festivals in Catalonia. This made na Maria realize that in most of the places where she played, she was always the only woman who played the xeremias, for this reason she takes it more strongly to claim spaces for women instrumentalists, and more within this world of traditional instruments.

Na Maria when she is not here misses Sa Roqueta , the tranquility where we live especially in winter, in the summer lately it is more complicated, and above all she misses the food.

-Which dish of Mallorcan cuisine do you like the most?

The dish he likes most in Mallorcan cuisine is fish rice. He tells us that it has always been one of my godmother’s stellar dishes, and even more so with the fisherman godfather, being able to make a good stock with freshly caught fish is a luxury.

-Which typical drink or made in Mallorca do you like best?

The typical Mallorcan drink that he tells us is the mixed. It reminds me of the time of Sant Antoni, and this is always a sign of celebration, joy and lots of caroling.

-A song, or Mallorcan musician?

As a Mallorcan song or music? I will call her great Miquela Lladó, and already as a reference group Música Nostra. My mother has always played her music for me at home, and she has taken me to her concerts, this has meant that I have always been very aware of the melodies of jotes, fandangos and sonades of xeremies, as much from Música Nostra as it is Xeremiers of San Calatrava. If I have to choose a song, I’ll go with “Fandango El Color de l’Alegria”, I think it’s fantastic.

-If you had to choose a place, which corner of Mallorca would it be?

If I had to choose a place in Mallorca, I’d go with Ses Covetes, Es Trenc, which if I could choose to be without overcrowding, it would be wonderful. The people of our area during the summer season, we already refuse to go to some of the places that have been part of our childhood, since it is very complicated to access, or to have a place on the arena to put the towel , this is due to overcrowding, and our blood boils a little regarding the overcrowding of tourism.

-And for you, what is being Mallorcan?
For me , being Mallorcan is a set of concepts, such as having our own identity, the defense of the territory we live in here, and the knowledge, support and struggle of our language and culture.

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