This last month I have dedicated to understanding social networks, or rather trying to understand, very strange words like branding, brainstorm, feed, networking, marketing have started ringing in my head…

I attended a Cenas adivina dinner with Virginia Moll, a very Majorcan copywriter (I owe you a summary). But I also had the pleasure of exchanging emails with Marta Simonet, a communication and food expert!

This is how na Marta presents herself, let’s see what she told us.

marta Simonet

I’m Marta. I was born 38 years ago in Genoa, a neighborhood in Palma. At Majorca. I am passionate about cooking and life around the table, decoration, reading, the sea, writing as if I were turning around, piano music and people who speak softly. I work at Banquete de ideas, a content agency that I co-founded with Jaime Collazos and from which we help small and large brands to have content that goes out of the mold to be on everyone’s lips: we devise and produce digital content. My greatest merit — in addition to the award for the best gastronomic blog in Spain and other statuettes that are very exciting — is being able to dedicate myself to what I am really passionate about: communication, gastronomy and the universe that unites them. It is quite a merit to turn a passion into a profession, right?

When I have lived abroad or when I have made long trips, what I miss the most is the smell of the island. That saline mixture that sticks to the skin. Also the seafood cookies or the llonguets of camaiot and cheese. And, without a doubt, every morning outside the island I long for Laccao.

Which Mallorcan cuisine dish do you like the most?

Many, but today I have to choose one: the tumbet, with well-browned garlic and a little loin crowning the tower of vegetables and tomato. I think of the llonguet and I see my mother with her hands on her hips and the slotted spoon; a large frying pan over the wood fire and a question in the air: do I fry you an egg too? Sure, mom. And an even simpler dish, which I wouldn’t get tired of: pamboli with sobrassada and figs. Oh, sweet moment!

– Which typical drink or made in Majorca do you like best?

The pinya. So ours. I remember the first time my grandfather gave it to me to try on that oilcloth tablecloth with my grandmother’s red and white squares. I had some broken one that I put my finger through while I was waiting for my grandfather (Jaume, like a good Majorcan. and fet a Sóller) had just filled my glass. I looked at it with Coca-Cola eyes and from that moment I thought that this recipe does uncover happiness. I hope it never gets lost.

– A song, or Mallorcan music?

Illes dins un riu from Tomeu Penya. There is no room for doubt here. It is for me an island anthem when nostalgia stings.

If you had to choose a place, which corner of Mallorca would it be?

Any of the viewpoints of S’Arxiduc, in the Serra de Tramuntana. With those views of cliffs to the sea from which it seems that you can fly. More than once, I have put some seafood biscuits, a piece of Mahon cheese, a bottle of wine and a glass to watch the sun go down in a basket. The world stops when that orange ball bathes in the sea. I do not need more. How lucky to have been born here, don’t you think?

– And for you, what is being Mallorcan?

Don’t let salt bother you on your skin. Those abarques from years ago. Rub tomato on bread. Make a capfico. And puff out your chest in an inevitable way when that Serrat song plays.

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