Our Store

Sa Madona de Ca’n Xinet started as an online store, but now we have a physical store where you can see, touch and smell the best products from Mallorcan artisans and producers.

Come and take advantage of the benefits of local trade and zero kilometer.

In our stores you will find Majorcan products from our artisans and small local producers of food, wine, spirits, decoration, fashion or jewelry. Everything produced in Mallorca.


The capital of Raiguer has welcomed us with open arms!

Come visit us at this store located in the historic center of Inca, right next to the Church of Santa Maria la Mayor. Better location impossible!

If you come by car there is no problem either. Being in the center of Inca you can choose between the underground parking in Plaza Mallorca, the underground parking of the Municipal Market of Inca or the public parking next to the Teatro Principal. All of them less than 3 minutes walk from the store.

Address: Carrer de la Sirena, 17 – CP 07300 – Inca – Google Maps


  • Monday – Saturday:10:00 – 13:30
  • Sunday: Closed
Alimentación en tienda de Inca
Vista general de la tienda de Inca
Detalle manualidades en tienda de Inca