The Premsal or Moll variety is one of the indigenous Mallorcan varieties included in the Protected Geographical Indication Vi de la Terra Mallorca , and, therefore, one of those used to make authentic Mallorcan wine.

Premsal blanc7103 min

In Mallorca we use Premsal to make white and sparkling wines, aromatic with a fruity character. In general, white and sparkling wines usually contain more than half the grapes of the Pressal variety. This means that more than half of the quarters of vineyards dedicated to producing white wines are from Premsal grapes.

At Sa Madona de Ca’n Xinet we are not wine experts yet… so we let ourselves be advised by people who do know.

So we offer you a White Premsal from Petit Celler 7103 made in Santa Maria with 100% Premsal grapes.

A fresh and smooth Mallorcan wine : perfect for any celebration.

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